Category: Eugene

Why Keep Public Salaries Secret?

Well, I can’t think of any good reasons. As long as these entities and their employees want to pretend that they are public servants then they need to walk the talk: transparency! But kamagra pills , in today’s Eugene Register-Guard you will find this as the quoted key reason: “I could see people being upset ,” Barnhart said. “Some people don’t want their spouses to know how much they make. This is going to make it available for the world to see. I don’t know what kind of liability we have for their privacy.” Help me with this, please!...

Thieves in Eugene?

The Lane Transit Authority thinks it has a problem with riders who do not pay full fare: Drivers have estimated that 2 percent to 5 percent of riders get away with an invalid fare, although one said recently that the number can be 15 percent to 20 percent on a busy day. Really, though, even 20% greatly understates the problem: After a recent review of operations, Lane Transit District has decided it will look into the problem of “fare evasion” — riders who don’t pay enough in fare buy cheap kamagra oral jelly , unknowingly or on purpose. ….....