Theft and Sacrifice

In today’s Seattle Times Floyd McKay reports that one of the retired generals calling for rummies resignation

was struck by the “lack of sacrifice and commitment on the part of the American people,” excepting military families

and closes his opinion piece with

But all in all, the upper and middle classes don’t show up in these figures nearly as much as they show up on college campuses across America.

We don’t sacrifice either wealth or lives if we are well-off. In fact

, if we own defense-industry stock, we make money off this war. Think Halliburton.

An honest administration would talk about sharing the sacrifice through some form of war tax and some form of military draft. Instead, the sabers are rattling for Iran. Whose lives and fortunes will pay for this one? What’s on TV tonight?

A few thoughts and questions for the both the general and McKay:

  1. Just what is the great value for which we are to sacrifice our lives and wealth?
  2. Lack of commitment to what? Who or what has earned this commitment?
  3. Whether McKay’s numbers are right or wrong we the living and our descendents are already paying or will pay plenty to support the bush administration’s actions.
  4. Draft? What right does this administration or any other have to initiate involuntary servitude?
  5. An honest administration would not be wasting lives and dollars in Iraq.
  6. An honest administration would not be spending more than it receives.
  7. An honest administration would operate only on voluntary contributions.

For McKay everything would be ok if bush played kennedy and asked us all to give ourselves up whatever the administration deems appropriate. Well, kennedy’s much touted inaugral statement:

And so

, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country.

is quite backwards. Free human beings do not serve governments. A government that does not serve the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of its citizens has no legitimacy and must be replaced.

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